Funds raised US$744,697,533
Nets funded 337,693,185
People protected 607,847,733

Distributed by PCV

The Peace Corps traces its roots and mission to 1960, when then Senator John F. Kennedy challenged students at the University of Michigan to serve their country in the cause of peace by living and working in developing countries. From that inspiration grew an agency of the federal government devoted to world peace and friendship.


What is a Long-Lasting Insecticidal Net (LLIN)?

An LLIN is a mosquito net impregnated with insecticide.

The insecticide is cleverly bound within the fibres that make up the netting and is 'slow released' over a 4-5 year period. Hence 'long lasting'.


5 sub-regions, Senegal  

Nets: 6,550 LLINs
When: Jul-Aug 09
Distributed by  PCV    PCV

6,550 nets will be distributed in 11 related distributions in approximately 40 villages to achieve blanket coverage of all sleeping spaces. Universal coverage, as this is called, is shown to have a dramatic impact on malaria transmission rates as it starves the malaria-carrying mosquitoes of a blood meal and leads to a significant decline in their population.




A distribution sometimes takes place in a number of locations. Each location may have its own pictures and video.

Survey status

Surveys take place 6, 18, 30 and 42 months post-distribution. A survey of 50 households provides sample information on what proportion of nets continue to be used, if they are used correctly and the state of the nets.

  • Expected
  • Not expected
  • Very good/good
  • Acceptable
  • Not OK
  • Partner Refused
# LLINs LocationWhenStatus  Surveys
350   8 locations Jul-Aug 09 Status
Not expected
Not expected
900   Coumba Diouma Jul-Aug 09 Status Photos
Not expected
Not expected
900   Dialakoto Jul-Aug 09 Status Photos
Not expected
Not expected
100   Diambo, Guede Village Jul-Aug 09 Status Photos
Not expected
Not expected
1,100   Guede Village Jul-Aug 09 Status Photos
Not expected
Not expected
150   Kountanto, Saare Coly Saale Jul-Aug 09 Status Photos
Not expected
Not expected
1,150   Malene Niani Jul-Aug 09 Status
Not expected
Not expected

Survey status

Surveys take place 6, 18, 30 and 42 months post-distribution. A survey of 50 households provides sample information on what proportion of nets continue to be used, if they are used correctly and the state of the nets.

  • Expected
  • Not expected
  • Very good/good
  • Acceptable
  • Not OK
  • Partner Refused
# LLINs LocationWhenStatus  Surveys
700   Missirah Jul-Aug 09 Status
Not expected
Not expected
150   Pakane, Medina Sabakh Jul-Aug 09 Status
Not expected
Not expected
900   Ross Bethio Jul-Aug 09 Status Photos
Not expected
Not expected
150   Saore Mady,Tamba Jul-Aug 09 Status
Not expected
Not expected

Distribution status

The bednet distribution programmes go through a number of different states from being manufactured to being installed over a head/bed:
  • Being manufactured
  • Ready at factory
  • En-route to country
  • Arrived in country
  • En-route to zone
  • Being distributed
  • Distribution complete

Survey status and net condition

Surveys take place 6, 18, 30 and 42 months post-distribution. A survey of 50 households provides sample information on what proportion of nets continue to be used, if they are used correctly and the state of the nets.

   Survey status
  • Expected
  • Not expected
  • Partner Refused
   Net condition
  • Very good/good
  • Acceptable
  • Not OK

Malene Niani, Senegal


Status Distribution complete Distribution complete

Donation to Distribution: We match specific donations to specific distributions. The donations listed below add up (or will add up) exactly to the cost of the distribution. more...

Sponsors 1 to 25 of 133
first  prev  123456 next  last 
 Sponsor/DonorLocation CountryMessage Amount 
Thomas Glenview USA give God the glory US$25.00
Amanda and Nate Buffalo, NY USA What a fantastic cause! Thank you for making t… US$300.00
Dave & Lea Berg Minneapolis USA US$50.00
Jeff Meador Chicago USA Jessica, can't you just save everyone from Mala… US$50.00
Ian Rose Omaha USA Hope this helps! US$20.00
Mary Vacek Omaha, NE USA US$25.00
Tom & Ann Scates Omaha USA We know you will make good use of this. US$100.00
Kent Holden Roscoe USA Thanks, Jessica US$20.00
Kent Holden Roscoe USA Thanks, Jessica US$20.00
Jim Bjugstad Saint Franci… USA May God bless your work, Jessica! US$25.00
Anonymous New York, NY USA Que dios te bendiga muchisimo US$50.00
Dana Larson Loves Park, IL USA Good Luck! US$20.00
Tysh & Ken Steamboat Sp… USA US$10.00
The Pomrenke's Council Bluffs USA We are proud of you, Jessica!!! US$15.00
Courtney Holden Steamboat Sp… USA Yay Jess! Love you lots! US$10.00
Craig R. Christiansen Omaha, Nebraska USA Great work! Thank you. US$25.00
Carrie Kreber Omaha, NE USA Thank you for all you are doing! I'm glad I can… US$15.00
Jane Rumbaugh Omaha USA Good luck! US$10.00
The McLain's Denver USA Glad we can help. US$25.00
Anonymous Bloomington USA US$10.00
Ed EGAN Stokers Siding Australia No wet-suit required at Byron in mid-autumn Jus… AUD30.00
C&H JESSUP MELBOURNE Australia Enjoy Chloe AUD10.00
Sharyn Seery Singapore Singapore Go Tomas Go AUD25.00
Alice Greymouth New Zealand Didn't the bedbugs leave you immune to mosquito… NZ$30.00
Will & Corinna Munich Germany Go for it Matt! £10.00
Sponsors 1 to 25 of 133
  prev  123456 next