Funds raised US$744,609,460
Nets funded 337,686,228
People protected 607,835,210

Philosophy Against Malaria

What good can philosophers do?
If the past is a good guide, quite a lot! Every year, philosophy departments around the world enter a friendly 'competition' to raise money for bednets that protect people from Malaria.
Malaria kills more than a thousand children each day. These deaths are as unnecessary as they are tragic. So, every year during the festive season, philosophers put ethical quarrels, exotic thought experiments, and devastating objections aside for a minute to pitch in for those less fortunate than them.
If you have any questions, requests, or want to help with organizing, please contact me at hmalte@umich.edu

Quick link to this page: https://www.AgainstMalaria.com/philosophyagainstmalaria
 PagesLocationTotal USD# Nets raised 
Philosophers Against Malaria 2024 (+) Ann Arbor US$ 21,772.85 10,763 Donate
Philosophers Against Malaria 2023 (+) Ann Arbor US$ 27,362.11 11,438
Philosophers Against Malaria 2022 (+) Ann Arbor US$ 14,553.51 6,236
Total Σ US$ 63,688.4728,437
Total raised   28,438