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Funds raised US$627,173,562
Nets funded 286,490,858
People protected 515,683,544

Totals for PwC Malaria Relief - June 2010 Totals for

This page lists the total amounts raised for each one of the events linked to, and including, this one.

EventsTotal# Nets raised
US$0.00 0
£839.56 308
£1,072.20 572
£218.29 76
£318.98 166
£625.00 334
£851.77 277
£857.69 278
£0.00 0
£87.05 27
€21.16 5
US$7,070.97 1,395
£1,329.04 709
£740.93 248
£318.27 155
US$1,016.00 225
US$1,280.00 283
US$420.63 141
£1,687.11 769
US$4,366.08 1,029
US$13,526.00 2,877
US$30.00 9
US$35.00 7
US$25.00 5
€82.57 22
Rand0.00 0
Rand5,828.28 167
€12,850.97 4,049
US$820.00 181
£28,910.37 9,991
£154.00 50
£693.08 229
£504.51 165
£2,900.02 918
£270.51 87
£10,229.12 3,364
£2,608.81 852
£2,162.22 708
£220.54 72
£32.05 9
£1,612.35 519
£1,322.61 437
£558.56 184
£1,082.95 379
£2,259.42 750
£3,566.45 1,153
£499.88 201
£13,006.72 4,245
£1,003.04 332
£374.61 120
£348.89 113
£146.34 42
£2,298.05 752
£2,801.70 912
£2,578.90 849
£116.97 38
£185.90 59
£282.05 91
£160.26 49
£112.09 37
£165.26 53
£3,885.35 1,274
£5,813.76 1,992
£1,618.09 524
£1,530.60 513
£1,692.99 559
£2,348.06 759
£1,444.49 491
£574.62 188
£840.51 279
£70.13 26
Rand1,173.21 37
£1,000.43 526
Total raised   49,276
