The fact that 100 per cent of the money we raise goes to fund bednets and that we can show where all the money goes has always been a fundamental part of what we do. It is therefore nice when this specific aspect, rather than the actual fundraising events, gets recognised which is why we are grateful for this post today on the GiveWell blog. Thanks.
On September 19 the movie “Igor” opens in cinemas across the United States. This is an animated feature based on the exploits of a character who lives in the land of Malaria and features voice-overs from John Cusack, Steve Buscemi, John Cleese, Jennifer Coolidge, Sean Hayes, Arsenio Hall, Eddie Izzard, Jay Leno, Molly Shannon, and Christian Slater. The producers of the movie, Exodus Film Group, and have asked us to help them raise money to fund bed nets, capitalising on the interest in malaria that the movie will generate - something we were happy to do in our role of empowering anyone with a fundraising idea to turn money raised into bed nets that are proven to end-up over people’s heads.
Here is a link to the movie and the fundrasing page we have set up.