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News for 2013, June - Show latest items

Malawi, Ntcheu District, net use assessment 12-month post-distribution

The second post-distribution net use survey was conducted in Ntcheu District during April/May 2013.  9,250 households across all 37 health centre catchment areas in the district were visited, unannounced, to assess net use and condition. The data were published as they were being entered in Malawi. We have now received the summary document from Concern Universal in Malawi who coordinated the survey and worked closely with the district health team who carried it out.

The results are very strong, showing high levels of net use and nets in very good condition. 

12-month net use and condition survey: 
  • 85% of nets are hung and in use
  • 89% of the nets are still in 'very good' condition (fewer than two holes of up to 2 cms in size)
6-month net use and condition survey, for comparison:
  • 90% of nets are hung and in use
  • 99% of the nets are still in 'very good' condition (fewer than two holes of up to 2 cms in size)
The specific nature of the data - at the health centre level - means the District Health Officer (DHO), health centre leaders, community leaders and other health workers are able to decide what targeted malaria control intervention might be appropriate in specific areas. The data suggests targeted campaigns in 14 of the 37 health centre areas, focusing on the importance of hanging and using all nets, would be of benefit.
In circumstances where health systems and resources are stretched, information that assists with targeted interventions can help with effective use of resources and that is the aim of this information.
Background: 270,000 LLINs were distributed in Ntcheu District in January to March 2012. A 6-month post-distribution survey of net use and condition was completed in June/July 2012.

An update on distributions being assessed

We have just updated our future distributions page showing the progress made in assessing a number of potential distributions with several nearing full approval status.
You can view the current status of each distribution with visual and summary updates.

Update: Visit to Sierra Leone

We recently visited Sierra Leone and a final phase of discussions now focuses on accountability elements.
AMF has offered to fund up to 3.1 million nets for the upcoming 3.4 million net nationwide universal coverage net distribution in Sierra Leone.
Significant discussions have been taking place over the last four months. AMF may provide between 2 million and 3.1 million nets. Non-net costs are in place.

Rob Mather and Richard Lane have just returned from a series of meetings in Freetown with the Sierra Leone National Malaria Control Programme (NMCP) and other malaria control partners.
Accountability - data and verification - and transparency are very important to us to ensure an effective, and demonstrably effective, distribution and those are the details we are following up on now.

LLINs are now close to US$3 per net

Over the last five years or so the cost of a long-lasting insecticide treated net (LLIN) has come down from US$5 per net through US$4 per net to now close to US$3 per net.
We believe the drop in cost per net is in part due to an increase in volume of net orders (the global quantity of LLINs distributed over the last few years has been approximately as follows: 2004: 6m, 2005: 19m, 2006: 54m, 2007: 50m, 2008: 69m, 2009: 102m, 2010: 166m, 2011: 131m, 2012: 85m) and increased competition (there are now more WHOPES Phase 2 approved nets) which has had a downward pressure on prices.
While the actual cost of a particular LLIN will vary according to size, shape, insecticide composition and brand, the most frequently distributed nets are large, family-sized nets which cost between US$2.80 and US$4.50.
In our experience, non-net costs typically amount to US$1 to US$1.5 per net. Non-net costs means all costs for shipping and transport, all pre-distribution activities (including household-level surveys to establish net need), net distribution (including malaria education activities and independent supervision), and post-distribution activities (including monitoring of monthly malaria case rate data and 6-monthly post-distribution surveys over a three year period post-distribution). 
We are sometimes asked what profit the manufacturers of nets make on the nets they produce. We do not know the answer to this question albeit we would be interested in knowing.


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