We have now passed the US$19 million mark, thanks to a donation from Good Ventures in California, USA!
We are also close to our 67,00th donor too! Our sincere thanks to everyone for their support and generosity.
A recent report by the UK's National Audit Office (NAO) has said, as reported by the BBC, "'Too few' bed nets paid for by UK [government] are being used".
The BBC article continues, "Not enough anti-malarial bed nets paid for by the UK [government] are being used around the world, ministers have been warned. ...the National Audit Office said usage among target groups, such as children, was disappointing... The watchdog urged the UK to work with aid recipients to "change attitudes" and to ensure proper value for money... The NAO's report, which drew on first-hand research in Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Nigeria and Burma, said the countries had been "well-chosen" but questioned the effectiveness of some of the spending. There had been a 23% increase in the number of families in the four countries owning a mosquito net since 2010 but usage by target groups such as children had increased by just 11.6%."
In our view this underlines the importance of distribution procedures and data collection that allows
1. Verification of nets reaching intended beneficiaries and
2. Regular post-distribution monitoring to understand continuing net usage.
AMF has faced challenges with some potential distributions in trying to ensure these elements are part of a distribution plan and, where their inclusion has not been possible, has been unable to agree to fund nets. We see these elements as key.
See also: