We are delighted to report that AMF now has tax-deductible status for donors in Norway.
AMF has been granted this status effective 01 January 2017 by Skatteetaten, Norway’s tax authority, so any donations made to AMF on or after that date can be considered tax-deductible by the donor.
To qualify, a minimum of NOK 500* must be donated in one (calendar) year
- A maximum of NOK 30,000* is tax-deductible per donor (with this total being the total given to all charities, not per charity) for 2017 and NOK 40,000 for 2018.
- Taxpayers should include information about their donations in their tax return
* At current exchange rates (Jan 2018), NOK 500 ~ US$60 and NOK 30,000 ~ US$3,700, NOK 40,000 ~ US$5,000
Note: All online donations from Norwegian residents automatically receive an acknowledgement with a link to a downloadable tax receipt. For those wishing to make donations by bank transfer or cheque, the relevant bank account and address information can be found on our donations page, and tax receipts are sent on request.
We have now reached US$150 million raised - thanks to a donation from Germany!
We are also nearing 300,000 donations raised, with this coming from nearly 100,000 people in 186 countries! As always, our sincere thanks to everyone for their support and generosity.
You can see all of our previous milestones on our Milestones page.