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News for 2019, August - Show latest items

AMF activity update: August 2019

A short update on activities going on in-country this month.

  • In DRC, the registration of 500,000 households in Équateur province is complete and the paper records have been sent to Kinshasa where the household information has been entered into AMF's database by our partner AGAPE. The data was entered by 170 data entry clerks, organised in three shifts, over a three-week period. Photos below. Analysis of the registration data begins this week, with the distribution of 1.5 million nets due to take place in early October. Registration in Sud Ubangi province of 600,000 households will take place at the end of September using electronic devices, and in Haut Katanga of 1.4 million households at the beginning of October.
  • In Zambia, our partner CHAZ has just finished a round of post-distribution monitoring (PDM) activities in Central province and they are now entering into AMF's database the data collected from approximately 4,000 households. Data from the North-Western province PDM have been entered and show sleeping space coverage of 72%, 14 months post distribution. The next PDM in Western province takes place at the end of August.
  • In Ghana, our partner World Vision is collecting data for the second PDM in Upper East region. The results of the first PDM in Brong Ahafo region are currently being imported into AMF's database. 3.6 million nets were distributed in 2018.
  • In Malawi, our partner the Red Cross has started PDM activity in Southern region. Data is being collected using smartphones from 17,000 households. 4.3 million nets were distributed in 2018.
  • In Guinea, the last wave of the distribution, of 940,000 nets, took place in the prefectures of Siguiri and Kankan. Photos below. Our partner organisation, United Purpose, monitored the distribution at a number of distribution sites which were randomly selected by AMF. Monitoring data was collected on electronic devices providing AMF with real-time access to the information. This completes the distribution of 4.8 million AMF-funded nets. Distribution data for the final wave will be entered into AMF's database by our partner Cabinet Diagnostic in the coming two weeks.
  • In Uganda, the 24-month PDM is taking place in selected districts in the Western region. PDMs in Uganda are staggered across many different months, as the distribution took place in four waves and monitoring is happening at 6-monthly intervals in randomly selected districts, and at 9-monthly intervals in other randomly selected districts.
  • In PNG, the rolling distribution of nets continues (year round activity, province by province) and PDM data has been collected in the provinces of Chimbu, Western Highlands and Eastern Highlands. The data is currently being entered into AMF's database for review. In 2019, a total of 1.0 million nets will be distributed.
  • In Togo, the 24-month PDM will take place in September. 2.4 million nets were distributed in 2018.
DRC 01 - Registration data arrives at the data entry centre DRC 02 - Registration data is organised in a filing cabinet prior to being entered into AMF's database DRC 03 - Data is entered into AMF's database by 170 data entry clerks working for three weeks Guinea 01 - Members of the community are informed of the upcoming distribution in various ways, including via public banners Guinea 02 - A poster in a health centre shows malaria prevention and treatment techniques. The poster makes clear that all prevention and treatment is free. Guinea 03 - Nets are stored securely at the distribution site in Sanfina community Guinea 04 - All AMF funded nets bear the AMF logo for easy identification during monitoring Guinea 05 - Members of the Sanfina community in Kankan region queue up with their registration coupons to receive their nets Guinea 06 - Members of Kankan town queuing for nets Guinea 07 - Distribution staff members find the recipients' details in the registration books and cross check the number of nets to be handed out Guinea 08 - A member of Sanfina community receives her nets Guinea 09 - A beneficiary listens to net usage messages given by a member of the distribution staff Guinea 10 - A beneficiary takes her nets back to her household and airs them before use


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