As 2023 draws to a close we would like to thank all who have supported and worked with AMF this year as without donors, distribution partners, volunteers and pro bono supporters we would not be able to do what we do in contributing to the fight against malaria. Thank you!
Distributions update
We are drawing to the end of a nine-month period during which 85 million nets will have been distributed across seven countries - Chad, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Nigeria, South Sudan, Togo, Uganda and Zambia - to protect 150 million people.
We work with many distribution partners and other independent monitoring partners, all of whom have done a wonderful job this year and we thank them for their partnership.
In addition, we are carrying out, with other partners, post-distribution monitoring activities to assess net presence, use and condition, in all the countries in which we have previously distributed nets.
2024 and 2025 will be busy years with 26 million nets already committed to protect a further 47 million people.
The impact of the 85 million nets being distributed is expected to be, ± 20%, 40,000 deaths prevented, 20 million cases of malaria averted and a US$2.2 billion improvement in local economy (12x the funds applied). When people are ill they cannot farm, drive, teach – function, so the improvement in health leads to economic as well as humanitarian benefits.
This is a terrific contribution from the tens of thousands of donors who have contributed significantly over the last two years, and the many partners with whom we work that make possible the distribution of these life-saving nets.
Once all the nets we have funded in our 19 years and can currently fund have been distributed and have had their impact, the overall impact is expected to be: 250 million nets funded and distributed, 450 million people protected, 185,000 deaths prevented, 100 to 185 million cases of malaria averted and US$6.5 billion of improvement in local.
Future distributions
Many recognise the impact of AMF’s work, yet we still have significant immediate funding gaps that are over US$300m. While this number seems daunting, every US$2 matters as that funds another net and allows two more people to be protected when they sleep at night, so no support is too small or inconsequential.
1,000,000th donation and over US$548 million raised so far!
We are thrilled to have passed these totals, with most donations ranging from a few $, £, €, CAN$, NZ$, AUS$, bitcoin and more - to many thousands.
We are so grateful for your support. Thank you!
We now have tax-deductible status in 14 countries.
The two most recent countries added are Switzerland and France. We have recently set up a legal entity in South Korea - AMF Korea - and hope to hear about tax-deductible status in the next few weeks. We continue to assess the need for tax-deductible status in other countries - one further country is in the application stage.
AMF top ranked!
AMF has again been top-ranked by the leading organisations 'dedicated to finding
outstanding giving opportunities'.
GiveWell has ranked AMF a top charity for the fourteenth year running. GiveWell has been a strong supporter of AMF's work and we thank their team for their continuous and thorough assessment of what we do.
The Life You Can Save has AMF as a top-ranked charity for the twelfth year in a row. TLYCS and their team has equally been a stalwart supporter and their work and recommendations have led to tens of thousands of lives being saved.
Giving What We Can have similarly continuously top-ranked AMF over its history.
A suggestion for the Christmas/Holiday season!
Donate nets instead of gifts.
We send the recipient/s an email (on a date you choose e.g. 25th Dec) with your
personal message and a link to their 'gift page', allowing them to follow the progress
of their nets.
May we wish you a very happy and healthy 2024!
The AMF Team - Rob, Andrew, Peter, Shaun, Julian, Ruth, Richard, Alicja, Jeremy, Izabel, Neil, Helena and Eliette
AMF has agreed to fund 25 million nets for distribution in the Democratic Republic of Congo during 2024 to 2026. These nets will contribute to, but in no way close, the funding gap for this period.
The nets should achieve full coverage of sleeping spaces across 170 health zones in 12 provinces to protect 45 million people when they sleep at night from the bites of malaria-carrying mosquitoes.
DRC is affected year-round by malaria and these nets have the potential to play a major part in reducing deaths and illness.
These nets could be expected to prevent 25,000 to 30,000 deaths, avert 15 to 30 million cases of malaria and make a material impact on the economy of DRC. It is estimated that the improvement in GDP (Gross Domestic Product), a measure of economic performance, as a result of AMF’s commitment would be about USD660 million.
We are about to allocate individual donations to these specific distributions and many donations, large and small, will fund these nets.
The distributions will be implemented by the PNLP (Programme National de Lutte contre le Paludisme – National Malaria Control Programme) and other partners, with whom AMF will work closely and with whom we have an agreed set of processes and a strong and open working relationship. We will report transparently on progress and performance throughout and after the distribution.
Lead times for this significant logistical programme, across a country two-thirds the size of Western Europe, means that nets for the 2024 distributions are being ordered now and for the 2025 distributions in the coming months.
Key elements of our agreement include:
AMF is funding ~25,000,000 LLINs, with distribution during 2024 and 2025 (as AMF's contribution to the 2024 to 2026 campaign)
This is a co-funding partnership with non-net costs (shipping, pre-distribution, distribution) funded by the Global Fund
To support accurate data gathering, verification of net need numbers will take place by re-visiting a material number of households chosen at random
Household-level data will be collected using electronic-devices and then transferred into AMF's Data Entry System (DES) for analysis and verification. This, and the above elements combined, are the basis for a highly accountable distribution.
Post-distribution monitoring of net use and condition (PDMs) will take place every nine months for two and a half years in all districts. AMF will fund this.
Further information is available via AMF’s distributions listing
There remains a huge gap in critical funding for the 2024 to 2026 period for DRC. Together with our partners, the Global Fund and the President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI), we are able to fund 62% of the nets needed for DRC for this period. There is still a US$145 million shortfall that leaves 38% of the country, all highly malarious, currently without a protection plan. If this situation does not change, tens of thousands of people can be expected to die from malaria. The three partners are not aware of any significant further funding sources for this period which is why this gap is described as critical.