Funds raised US$721,064,437
Nets funded 325,497,425
People protected 585,895,365
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News for 2023, March - Show latest items

AMF agrees to fund 6.3 million nets for distribution in Zambia in Q3/Q4 2023

AMF has agreed to fund 6.3 million nets for distribution in Zambia with the distribution scheduled for September to October 2023. These nets fill the funding gap and aim to achieve 100% coverage across 74 districts in six provinces protecting 11.3 million people when they sleep at night from the bites of malaria-carrying mosquitoes.

Zambia is affected year-round by malaria and these nets have the potential to play a major part in reducing deaths and illness.

These nets could be expected to prevent 2,500 to 3,000 deaths, avert 2 to 3 million cases of malaria and make a material impact on the economy of Zambia. It is estimated that the improvement in GDP (Gross Domestic Product), a measure of economic performance, as a result of AMF’s commitment would be about USD135 million.

We are about to allocate individual donations to these specific distributions and many donations, large and small, will fund these nets.

The distributions will be implemented by the NMEC (National Malaria Elimination Centre) and other partners, with whom AMF will work closely and with whom we have an agreed set of processes and a strong and open working relationship. We will report transparently on progress and performance throughout and after the distribution.

Key elements of our agreement include:

  1. AMF is funding 6,300,000 LLINs, with distribution in Q3/Q4 2023
  2. This is a co-funding partnership with non-net costs (shipping, pre-distribution, distribution) funded by USAID's President's Malaria Initiative (PMI) and by the Global Fund
  3. To support accurate data gathering, re-checks of net need numbers will take place by re-visiting a material number of households chosen at random.
  4. Household-level data will be collected using electronic-devices and then transferred into AMF's Data Entry System (DES) for analysis and verification. This, and the above elements combined, are the basis for a highly accountable distribution.
  5. Post-distribution monitoring of net use and condition (PDMs) will take place every nine months for two and a half years in all districts. AMF will fund this.

Further information is available via the dedicated Zambia 2023 distribution page.

AMF is hiring - Junior and Senior Software Engineers

Our activities and commitments have grown over time and AMF is now the world's third largest funder of nets. In the coming years, we expect to buy and distribute between 25 and 50 million nets per year.

As a result, AMF is recruiting a junior developer, initially specialising data science tasks, and a senior full stack web developer, specialising in .Net and SQL Server.

Reporting to AMF's Head of Technology, and working closely with all other members of the AMF team, the successful candidates will have the following general skills and experience:

  • Strong analytical capabilities
  • Able to react quickly to any critical issues which may arise
  • Able to focus on detail whilst retaining the bigger picture
  • Project/time management skills, self‐motivated with the ability to work to deadlines
  • Strong communication skills at both a technical and non‐technical level
Junior position
  • Good knowledge of Python/Pandas or very similar tools
  • Familiarity with standard data formats like JSON, CSV, Excel etc.
  • Data analysis and cleaning – spotting and fixing outliers or data issues
  • Good SQL skills, SQL server preferred
Senior position
  • Latest .Net, C#, SQL Server; competence level: excellent; likely years’ experience: 5+
  • Experience of Razor pages and .Net Entity Framework would be beneficial
  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript/jQuery, Responsive design

Location: Home-office and/or remote working in UK.

Job description and details of how to apply
Senior Role

Junior Role This position is now closed. Please see our Vacancies page

$500,000,000 raised!

We are delighted to share the news that we have just gone past the milestone of US$500 million raised since AMF began.

It is thanks to 919,371 donations from 185,318 people in 189 countries that we have passed this total. Our thanks to so many people who so generously care about the fight against malaria.

Other numbers, in increasing order of importance, are: 227,693,156 nets funded (or will be) to protect 409,847,681 people in 40 countries leading to, once all nets funded are distributed and have had their impact, an improvement in local economies of US$6 billion, 150 to 200 million cases of malaria averted and an estimated 170,000 lives saved.

Fittingly, it was a grant of US$2.6m from GiveWell that took us past this total given the support they have shown AMF over the last 15 years. AMF has been a top charity at GiveWell for all of those years and is the only charity to have been so ranked, reflecting our commitment to our guiding principles of impact, accountability, transparency and efficiency.

Thank you to all who have donated so far, to all those who have provided pro bono support to AMF as well as to our many partners in the field who work so hard to bring about change.

We are so grateful to you.

With funding gaps that exist, AMF's commitment to fighting malaria is as strong as ever and the need to fight this disease is urgent. Every $2 donation matters as much as ever, as each net matters to the two people it protects.

From all of us at AMF – thank you.

Rob, Andrew, Peter, Shaun, Jenny, Julian, Sylvie, Jonas, Ruth and Maeve


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