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News for 2023, May - Show latest items

AMF agrees to fund 1.6 million nets for distribution in Kwango province in DRC in Q2 2024

AMF has agreed to fund 1.6 million nets for distribution in Kwango province in the Democratic Republic of Congo with the distribution scheduled for May 2024. These nets fill the funding gap and aim to achieve 100% coverage across 14 health zones protecting 2.9 million people when they sleep at night from the bites of malaria-carrying mosquitoes.

DRC is affected year-round by malaria and these nets have the potential to play a major part in reducing deaths and illness.

These nets could be expected to prevent 1,500 deaths, avert 1 to 1.5 million cases of malaria and make a material impact on the economy of Kwango province. It is estimated that the improvement in GDP (Gross Domestic Product), a measure of economic performance, as a result of AMF’s commitment would be about USD40 million.

We are about to allocate individual donations to these specific distributions and many donations, large and small, will fund these nets.

The distributions will be implemented by the NMCP (National Malaria Control Programme) and other partners, with whom AMF will work closely and with whom we have an agreed set of processes and a strong and open working relationship. We will report transparently on progress and performance throughout and after the distribution.

Key elements of our agreement include:

  1. AMF is funding 1,584,150 LLINs, with distribution in Q2 2024
  2. This is a co-funding partnership with non-net costs (shipping, pre-distribution, distribution) funded by the Presidents Malaria Initiative (PMI).
  3. To support accurate data gathering, re-checks of net need numbers will take place by re-visiting a material number of households chosen at random.
  4. Household-level data will be collected using electronic-devices and then transferred into AMF's Data Entry System (DES) for analysis and verification. This, and the above elements combined, are the basis for a highly accountable distribution.
  5. Post-distribution monitoring of net use and condition (PDMs) will take place every nine months for two and a half years in all districts. AMF will fund this.

Further information is available via the dedicated Kwango, DRC 2024 distribution page.


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