Funds raised US$721,064,437
Nets funded 325,497,425
People protected 585,895,365

Peak Centre and Zone3sports United Against Malaria

Location Ottawa, Canada 
03 Dec 2005


Peak Centre for Human Performance (coached by Mathieu Sauve) and Zone3sports (coached by Rick Hellard) are proud to announce their alliance for this event. Both groups will do a distance swim on Dec 3rd 2005.

Zone3sports workout was an easy 10min warm up, then 4-5 sets of
100m kick
3x200 on a pace time.

Each set was on a progressively faster pace time, so it started out pretty easy, but got tough as fatigue set in and pace times quickened.

 # PeopleNets
Overall  81 to 101     97  (US$ 433)
This page   80 to 100    75  (CAD 400)
Quick link to this page: https://www.AgainstMalaria.com/5995
Distributions this page helped fund
# LLINs Location CountryWhen By whomStatus  
3,500   Caprivi Namibia Sep-Oct 06 Logo PSI Status

Peak Centre and Zone3sports United Against Malaria 05 Dec 05 Ottawa CAD400.00 CAD400.00 Click here to see details of the distribution in Namibia, Caprivi which this donation has helped to fundflag Status 75135

Subtotal  CAD 400.00
Gift Aid  CAD 0.00
Total raised  CAD 400.00