Categories of donations and the order in which they are allocated to a distribution
100% of the donations we receive from the public buys nets.*
We have always allocated (and will continue to do so) all donations individually
to specific distributions so as many donors as possible can follow exactly where
the nets they fund are distributed.
We used to allocate donations chronologically but we now allocate first those
for which the donor has a donation-tracking link as this allocates as quickly as possible donations that donors can follow.
Donations for nets are divided into four categories on the basis of the information
provided to us by donors.
- 'Identifiable by the donor'
- 'Unlikely to be identifiable by
the donor'
- 'Not currently identifiable by the donor'
- 'Donor
not identifiable'
Donations are allocated to distributions in category order - 1, 2, 3 then 4 - and
chronologically within each category.
* Note: We have a separate pool of funding that can be used for non-net costs, consisting
of a small number of large donations for which the donors have specifically arranged
with AMF for the donations to be used for net or non-net costs.