Funds raised US$744,511,175
Nets funded 337,637,085
People protected 607,746,753

AMF's Funding Gap

AMF's funding horizon is three years. This page explains the size of the gaps for commitments that need to be made in this period.

Immediate (timing of commitment: now) $34.55m
Net distribution programmes that AMF has approved and where commitments to countries are required as soon as possible so that planning and/or operational activities can start. Over time, we aim for for immediate funding gaps to be zero i.e. for programmes not to be constrained or delayed by the availability of funding. Details are shown on the Immediate Funding Gap tab.  
Near-term (timing of commitment: within the next 6 months) $75m*
Funding expected to be required for programmes currently being assessed and likely to be approved for AMF support. This is based on recent three-year funding cycles, our 20 years of experience and knowledge of the commitments of other major funders. With this funding, AMF would address approximately half of the total gap for campaign funding across a number of countries. Impact of these nets**  
Medium-term (timing of commitment: within the next 12 months) $100m*
As of 17 Feb 2025: Additional, expected funding for net distribution programmes that will take place in the next two + years. Impact of these nets**  
  TOTAL    $210m

  Timing of commitments Status of programmes to be funded Timing of receipt of funding to maximise outcomes  
Immediate Funding Gap (IFG) Immediate Approved Immediate $35m
Near-term Funding Gap Next 6 monhts Being assessed As soon as possible $75m
Medium-term Funding Gap Next 12 months In discussion As soon as possible $100m
Overall Funding Gap (OFG)       $210m

Context of funding gaps: The Dec 2021 WHO annual malaria report highlighted the existence of significant gaps in malaria funding that prevent more significant progress. Global malaria funding in 2020 was US$3.3 billion, under half of the funding target of US$6.8 billion. The WHO states: "to reach the 2030 global malaria targets, current funding levels will need to more than triple to US$10.3 billion per year."

Every net matters
Every donation, large and small, is so important as every US$2 funds a net that protects two people and helps us close the gap. Large donations go a long way to filling gaps, but our history also shows that many, more modest sized donations are critical to achieving our malaria programmes (AMF's donations statistics).