Funds raised US$744,608,561
Nets funded 337,685,778
People protected 607,834,400

Swimming for Malaria at Hume Park

Location Upper Bukit Timah, Singapore 
15 Jan 2006

Post-swim update:

The swim has finally taken place on 15 FEB 2006, a Sunday. The participating swimmers are all students with the youngest at 8 and the oldest at 17 years old. As most swimmers are quite young and they were not able to understand the significance of the swim, a briefing to the cause of the swim had to be done before the actual swim began.

The swim completed with all the swimmers achieving their target distance and a handful of them surpassing their expected goals.
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# PeopleNets
 22    110  (US$ 488)
Quick link to this page: https://www.AgainstMalaria.com/6559
Distributions this page helped fund
# LLINs Location CountryWhen By whomStatus  
980   Umbiri and Sostu Segno, Awi Zone, Ankesha District Ethiopia May 07 Logo UNICEF Status

Anonymous 08 Mar 06 ... SGD780.00 US$487.84 Click here to see details of the distribution in Ethiopia, Ankesha which this donation has helped to fundflag Status 111200

Subtotal  US$ 487.84
Gift Aid  US$ 0.00
Total raised  US$ 487.84