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Funds raised US$629,552,065
Nets funded 284,142,029
People protected 511,455,652

Khartoum International Community School

Location Khartoum, Sudan 
22 Apr 2008

Next week we will be holding our second World Swim against Malaria event! Last year we raised enough monet to buy over 2000 nets this year we hope to raise even more money. We hope to raise not only money for nets but raise people’s awareness in the school community about the impact of Malaria in Sudan, where many people die unnecessarily each year.

Post-swim update:

On Wednesday, April 25th, African Malaria Day, KICS students from the infant, junior and senior schools swam a total of 3,721 lengths in the KICS swimming pool (the infants swam the width of the pool, while the others swam the length of the pool)…that’s approximately the distance from Khartoum to Port Sudan! Here are some results:
Infant school Total Lengths: 156
Most lengths swam was 5 was by Mohamed, Yasin ansd Ibrahim in 2B
Junior School Total Lengths: 1,578
Most lengths swam by a boy: Hassan (6B) 42 lengths
Most lengths swam by a girl: Rozemarijn (6A) 64 lengths
Senior School Total Lengths: 1,987
Most lengths swam by a boy: Zack (9.
   more >>

 # PeopleNets
Overall  321 to 371     2,723  (US$ 11,915)
This page   300 to 350    2,340  (US$ 10,298)
Quick link to this page: https://www.AgainstMalaria.com/KICS2008
Distributions this page helped fund
# LLINs Location CountryWhen By whomStatus  
2,450   Block 8, Soba Al Radi IDP camp Sudan Aug-Sep 07 Logo Malaria Consortium Status

Anonymous 22 May 07 ... US$10,297.75 US$10,297.75 Click here to see details of the distribution in Sudan, Soba Al Radi camp which this donation has helped to fundflag Status 2,3404,212

Subtotal  US$ 10,297.75
Gift Aid  US$ 0.00
Total raised  US$ 10,297.75