Funds raised US$633,948,658
Nets funded 282,303,624
People protected 508,146,523

Fight Against Malaria In The Gambia

Location Lower River Region, Jarra and Kiang, England 

Gambia United Society is a UK registered charity (NO. 1111860), established since 1997. Our aim is to extend humanitarian assistance to the poor and needy in UK and back home in Africa, mainly the Gambia. However, we have been touched by the number of people dying of malaria related diseases in the Gambia and feel that it might be necessary to seek funds from any source to supplement government efforts in limiting incidents of malaria.    more >>

100% of the money received through this page, linked pages, and any other funds directed to us offline and indicated to be for the same project, will buy LLINs for distribution in the Lower River Region in the Gambia.
Rob Mather, Against Malaria
# PeopleNets
 400 to 500    2,135  (£ 5,000)
Quick link to this page: https://www.AgainstMalaria.com/GambiaUnitedSociety
Distributions this page helped fund
# LLINs Location CountryWhen By whomStatus  
2,350   Jarra West, Lower River Region Gambia Nov-Dec 07 Logo GUSUK/TAYAM Status

The Gambia United Society 20 Sep 07 London £5,000.00 £5,000.00 Click here to see details of the distribution in Gambia, Lower River Region which this donation has helped to fundflag Status 2,1353,843

Subtotal  £ 5,000.00
Gift Aid  £ 0.00
Total raised  £ 5,000.00