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Funds raised US$631,059,443
Nets funded 281,156,639
People protected 506,081,950
Location Virginia, USA 
11 May 2006
Linked to: FastAgainstMalaria

During the next three minutes, six kids will die from malaria. All six could
be saved - instead they will killed by a mosquito (which is the agent of
death that spreads malaria).

I am fasting to do my part to help save the lives of the tens of millions of children who are scheduled to die from mosquito bites over teh next decade.

# PeopleNets
 1    2  (US$ 10)
Quick link to this page: https://www.AgainstMalaria.com/karibeck
Distributions this page helped fund
# LLINs Location CountryWhen By whomStatus  
1,150   Mankanikong, Bafut Cameroon Oct-Dec 07 Logo PSI Status

Thomas Oconnell 12 May 06 Princeton US$10.00 US$10.00 Click here to see details of the distribution in Cameroon, Bafut which this donation has helped to fundflag Status 24

Subtotal  US$ 10.00
Gift Aid  US$ 0.00
Total raised  US$ 10.00