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Funds raised US$629,552,063
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People protected 511,455,650

Janes Fundraising Page

Location Chamonix, France 
25 Jun 2010
Linked to: PwC UK
Group: PricewaterhouseCoopers

Having been involved with the Against Malaria Foundation for over 6 months now, I thought it was about time I set up my own fundraising page and raised some money.

I am hoping to be part of a distribution later in the summer so that I can see exactly what the money raised provides.

# PeopleNets
 1    9  (£ 32)
Quick link to this page: https://www.AgainstMalaria.com/janekuelsheimer
Distributions this page helped fund
# LLINs Location CountryWhen By whomStatus  
4,890   Thuchira, Mulanje District Malawi Nov-Dec 10 Logo Save the Children Status

 SponsorDateLocationAmount£Gift AidMessageDistributions
Jane Kuelsheimer 14 May 10 Chamonix £25.00 £25.00 £7.05 To get the ball rolling.... Click here to see details of the distribution in Malawi, Mulanje District which this donation has helped to fundflag Status 1018

Subtotal  £ 25.00
Gift Aid  £ 7.05
Total raised  £ 32.05