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Funds raised US$629,705,731
Nets funded 284,217,910
People protected 511,592,238

Karma Kisses Tea House

Location Formosa Island, Taiwan 

☕ Your Little Cup Is Going to Make a Big Difference

Have you ever thought to yourself how one small action has the ability to change the entire world?

Well, when you buy our Karma Kisses tea, you’ll be doing your bit to end world poverty, suffering children, hungry mothers and sick fathers. You’ll be giving people the chance they need to turn their lives around, and you can do all of this while sitting on your sofa.
   more >>


# PeopleNets
 10    48  (US$ 100)
Quick link to this page: https://www.AgainstMalaria.com/KarmaKisses
Distributions this page helped fund
# LLINs Location CountryWhen By whomStatus  
72,500   La Nkwantan-Madina Ghana Jul 16 Logo NMCP/ERD Status

Karma Kisses 26 Dec 13 Taiwan US$100.00 US$100.00 Click here to see details of the distribution in Ghana, Greater Accra Region 2016 which this donation has helped to fundflag Status 4988

Subtotal  US$ 100.00
Gift Aid  US$ 0.00
Total raised  US$ 100.00