Funds raised US$722,994,398
Nets funded 326,878,697
People protected 588,381,655

Fantasy Basel 2016

Location Basel, Switzerland 
05 May 2016

Robbery for Charity

The infamous Jokerz Gang from Basel – one of the most popular snapshots of Cosplayers – will hit The Swiss Comic Con again in 2016!
Batman's arch nemesis the Joker and his henchmen will wait for you in a dark comic alley to take as many coins out of your pockets as possible, beat you up and rob you!

But this is actually anything but evil; whoever will let The Jokerz Gang rob him or her in exchange for a photo with the gang, supports our Charity Partner “Against Malaria Foundation”.
   more >>

# PeopleNets
 11    1,312  (CHF 3,953)
Quick link to this page: https://www.AgainstMalaria.com/FantasyBasel2016
Distributions this page helped fund
# LLINs Location CountryWhen By whomStatus  
191,351   Eastern Region, Kumi District Uganda Mar 17-Mar 18 Logo NMCP/Various Status

The Jokerz Gang 31 May 16 Basel US$3,978.02 CHF3,952.99 Click here to see details of the distribution in Uganda, Western & Eastern, 2017 which this donation has helped to fundflag Status 1,3132,363

Subtotal  CHF 3,952.99
Gift Aid  CHF 0.00
Total raised  CHF 3,952.99