Funds raised US$744,609,460
Nets funded 337,686,228
People protected 607,835,210

Puzzles for Progress

Location Menlo Park, USA 

Hello everyone! This is Puzzles for Progress, where I make three handcrafted puzzles a week and email them to subscribers. (tinyurl.com/puzzlesforprogress) I've now published over one hundred puzzles, and the full archive is on the website! But it's about more than the puzzles. It’s not in the news much, but every few minutes, a human being dies from malaria. However, not only is malaria preventable, but it only costs around $5 to purchase and ship a malaria net to a community in need.    more >>

# PeopleNets
 5    0  (US$ 0)
Quick link to this page: https://www.AgainstMalaria.com/PuzzlesforProgress
Distributions this page helped fund
No distributions funded yet


Subtotal  US$ 0.00
Gift Aid  US$ 0.00
Total raised  US$ 0.00