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Funds raised US$627,146,997
Nets funded 286,477,576
People protected 515,659,637

Americans vs. Canadians

Welcome to the Annual Tentative Apologist Against Malaria Foundation Fundraiser! (Whew, that's a mouthful!) This year, American Christians and Skeptics team up against Canadian Christians and Skeptics to see which group can show more generosity in making the world a better place, one mosquito net at a time!

Quick link to this page: https://www.AgainstMalaria.com/AmericansVsCanadians
Please select a page from the list below in order to donate online
 PagesLocationTotal USD# Nets raised 
American Christians & Skeptics Denver US$ 3,410.00 1,765 Donate
Canadian Christians & Skeptics Edmonton US$ 2,574.92 1,280 Donate
Total Σ US$ 5,984.923,045
Total raised   3,055