Funds raised US$722,999,541
Nets funded 326,881,269
People protected 588,386,284

Raise/MWA 2021

Linked to: Raise (MWA)

Raise is an award-winning initiative which encourages students to adopt a more positive, deliberate approach to effective giving.

Raise invites students to donate an amount significant to them, doubled through matched funding, to charity. We then host a Summer Party at the end of the academic year to celebrate our collective impact.

We encourage students to take this positive, meaningful approach to giving forwards into their future lives, ultimately creating a culture whereby deliberate, effective giving is normalised at university and beyond.

To find out more and get involved, visit: www.joinraise.org

Quick link to this page: https://www.AgainstMalaria.com/Raise2021
 PagesLocationTotal# Nets raised
May Week Alternative 2021 Cambridge £ 70,225.00 50,128
Raise Durham 2021 Durham £ 30,714.00 21,958
Raise Oxford 2021 Oxford £ 12,004.72 8,569
Raise Glasgow 2021 Glasgow £ 10,142.60 7,240
Total Σ £ 123,086.3287,895
Total raised   87,895