Funds raised US$721,392,606
Nets funded 326,117,514
People protected 587,011,525

AMF's immediate funding gap, November 2021

As we head towards the end of the year, AMF's current immediate funding gap stands at US$77.8 million.

This is the funding we could put to work immediately to protect people when they sleep at night to save lives and prevent illness from malaria.

We have sufficient funds raised to cover our central costs and all net distributions to which we have previously committed.

The immediate funding gap reflects the great potential impact AMF could have with further funds. All publicly raised funds are used exclusively to buy nets.

In past years we have received several significant grants around this time of year that have helped to reduce our funding gap. We hope and expect to receive significant grants this year too, but our funding gap has never gone to zero - we have always had a gap of tens of millions of dollars, and we expect to have a significant funding gap this year too after any large donations.

AMF's immediate funding gap page shows
  • a summary: funds in hand able to be committed, funds committed, funds available to be committed, AMF approved programmes seeking funding, the resulting immediate funding gap and programmes we are currently discussing for future distributions
  • detail: project level information for a) funds committed (both for nets and monitoring costs); b) AMF approved programmes seeking funding

Information is updated 'real-time' i.e. as donations are received, costs are posted and commitments made so it is always up to date.