Funds raised US$744,608,431
Nets funded 337,685,713
People protected 607,834,283

Giving by Text - 100% reaches us

A new service has been launched in the UK which now means 100% of any donation made by text reaches the donor's chosen charity. 
We think this is an excellent development and because of this 100% element, we have signed up.
This service is thanks to a partnership between Vodafone and JustTextGiving, with particularly thanks to the Vodafone Foundation who are covering costs. 
100% of any text donation comes to us and 100% buys nets.
For a text donation from a UK registered mobile to Against Malaria simply text NETS42 followed by your amount £3 /£5 /£10 to 70070. For example, for a £5 donation, text NETS42 £5 to 70070. Simple!