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Funds raised US$629,705,731
Nets funded 284,217,910
People protected 511,592,238

Motos Against Malaria: Todd and Christina

Some years ago I had the privilege to come across two very special people, Todd Lawson and Christina Tottle. They called and said they would like to ride across Africa and deliver bednets and Motos Against Malaria was born. Over the next year ‘T&C’, as they became affectionately known to us, fundraised, rode 23,000 kms across 15 countries, delivered thousands of nets as we hooked them up with distributions with on-the-ground partners, and raised awareness about malaria and nets to thousands of people. In part this journey was in memory of Todd’s brother Sean who died of malaria so there was a very personal connection here. But T&C also wanted to help others and give back. And they did, in large numbers.

Here is a moving, entertaining, photo-stunning account of their trip.