Funds raised US$745,215,698
Nets funded 337,952,267
People protected 608,314,081

$500,000,000 raised!

We are delighted to share the news that we have just gone past the milestone of US$500 million raised since AMF began.

It is thanks to 919,371 donations from 185,318 people in 189 countries that we have passed this total. Our thanks to so many people who so generously care about the fight against malaria.

Other numbers, in increasing order of importance, are: 227,693,156 nets funded (or will be) to protect 409,847,681 people in 40 countries leading to, once all nets funded are distributed and have had their impact, an improvement in local economies of US$6 billion, 150 to 200 million cases of malaria averted and an estimated 170,000 lives saved.

Fittingly, it was a grant of US$2.6m from GiveWell that took us past this total given the support they have shown AMF over the last 15 years. AMF has been a top charity at GiveWell for all of those years and is the only charity to have been so ranked, reflecting our commitment to our guiding principles of impact, accountability, transparency and efficiency.

Thank you to all who have donated so far, to all those who have provided pro bono support to AMF as well as to our many partners in the field who work so hard to bring about change.

We are so grateful to you.

With funding gaps that exist, AMF's commitment to fighting malaria is as strong as ever and the need to fight this disease is urgent. Every $2 donation matters as much as ever, as each net matters to the two people it protects.

From all of us at AMF – thank you.

Rob, Andrew, Peter, Shaun, Jenny, Julian, Sylvie, Jonas, Ruth and Maeve