Funds raised US$722,990,832
Nets funded 326,876,914
People protected 588,378,445

AMF is hiring - Junior and Senior Operations Managers

This position is now closed. Please see our Vacancies page

AMF is recruiting for two roles, a Junior and a Senior Operations Manager.

Senior Operations Manager

This role will lead on several of AMF’s programmes, including in countries where AMF is distributing nets for the first time. They will work closely with NMCPs, in country partners, AMF independent monitors, the AMF Operations and Technology teams to ensure the success of AMF distributions.

The role will include involvement in all stages of a distribution campaign (pre-agreement, net procurement, post-agreement, during distribution, and post distribution) across two main areas:

  1. Work with National Malaria Control Programmes (NMCPs)
  2. Work with AMF’s independent monitoring partners

Senior role: Job description and details of how to apply

Junior Operations Manager

This individual will play an important role as a key member of the support the Operations team across all of AMF’s programmes, including in countries where AMF is distributing nets for the first time.

The role will include involvement in all stages of a distribution campaign (pre-agreement, net procurement, post-agreement, during distribution, and post distribution) with a focus on two areas:

  1. Campaign monitoring
  2. Post distribution monitoring

The Junior Operations Manager will lead on independent monitoring work, for both of the above activities, and will work closely with the Operations team lead for each country.

This would be an excellent first job for someone just out of university or someone moving after their first employment.

Junior role: Job description and details of how to apply