Funds raised US$745,215,698
Nets funded 337,952,267
People protected 608,314,081

Register your page linked to Beantown 'Skeeter Beater Repeater

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Who, what, why, where - Tell everyone what you are doing! People enjoy reading this!
Please add a few sentences to describe who you are, what you are doing and why people should sponsor you! Remember HUMOUR IS GOOD.
Number of people taking part
This means the number of people actively involved in your page, i.e. are helping to raise funds, not those who have/might donate to your page. This number can be an estimate. If you wish you can update it later.
Names of people  List names.
Your image
Web address of your page
https://www.AgainstMalaria.com/ This is the name that people can use to easily view your page on THIS web site, for example: entering "JohnSmith" in the box above will mean people can view your page by going to https://www.AgainstMalaria.com/JohnSmith.

   I heard from  Additional information? Optional  
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You can switch this off for birthdays, weddings etc. so that there is no element of people comparing gifts