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Funds raised US$627,182,497
Nets funded 286,495,326
People protected 515,691,587

Dedza District 2014, Malawi  


Nets: 290,770 LLINs
When: Sep-Nov 14
Distributed by:  Concern Universal

Approximately 245,000 long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) will be distributed in Dedza District to achieve universal coverage - all sleeping spaces covered - to protect some 440,000 people. The exact number of nets to be distributed will be known once a comprehensive district-wide pre-distribution survey is complete establishing the number of sleeping spaces per household requiring nets.




The two objectives of post-distribution activity are i) to monitor and report on the continued use of the nets (achieved via six-monthly Post-Distribution net use and condition Check-Ups (PDCUs) which collect data from 5% of the households, randomly selected and visited unannounced, that received nets during the distribution) and ii) to assess the impact in terms of reduced malaria to which the nets contribute (achieved via monthly malaria case rate and mortality data, received quarterly).

Post-Distribution net use and condition Check Ups (PDCU)

30-month PDCU


  • 9,462 households, 13,400 nets surveyed,
  • 40% of nets hung, 4% present but not hung
  • 46% sleeping spaces covered
  • 20% in very good, 14% in good and 10% in viable condition, 56% worn out


24-month PDCU


  • 9,499 households, 15,097 nets surveyed
  • 45% of nets hung, 9% present but not hung
  • 45% of sleeping spaces covered
  • 17% in very good, 16% in good and 18% in viable condition, 48% worn out


18-month PDCU


  • 9,476 households, 13,356 nets surveyed
  • 77% of nets hung, 4% present but not hung
  • 69% of sleeping spaces covered
  • 18% in very good, 37% in good and 27% in viable condition, 18% worn out


12-month PDCU


  • 9,100 households, 14,172 nets surveyed,
  • 86% of nets hung, 4% present but not hung
  • 72% of sleeping spaces covered
  • 33% in very good, 48% in good and 10% in viable condition, 8% worn out


6-month PDCU


  • 9,100 households, 15,676 nets surveyed
  • 93% of nets hung, 4% present but not hung
  • 78% of sleeping spaces covered
  • 56% in very good, 35% in good and 6% in viable condition, 1% worn out
