Funds raised US$724,094,649
Nets funded 327,428,823
People protected 589,371,881
Location Bradfield, England 
05 Dec 2005
Group: Microsoft

Post-swim update:

Short version: Down to the pool, splashed about, 50 lengths (result!), large bar of chocolate.

Long Version: Things to do on a long swim: Try the following to dispel any thoughts of “are we nearly there yet?”

1. Count up to 100. Count back down again. Repeat ad nauseam
2. Keep a cumulative log of the people that overtake you.
3. Subtract the number of lengths you have swum from the target and work it out as a fraction, percentage and decimal.
   more >>

# PeopleNets
 1    336  (£ 768)
Quick link to this page: https://www.AgainstMalaria.com/6105
Distributions this page helped fund
# LLINs Location CountryWhen By whomStatus  
2,000   Aber (IDP camp), Apac District Uganda Nov-Dec 07 Logo Red Cross Status
780   Mundum, Bafut Cameroon Oct-Dec 07 Logo PSI Status

 SponsorDateLocationAmount£Gift AidMessageDistributions
Anonymous 11 Jul 06 ... £384.00 £384.00   Click here to see details of the distribution in Uganda, Kampala West/Pader which this donation has helped to fundflag Status 172310
Just Me! 02 May 06 aldworth £300.00 £300.00 £84.00 Click here to see details of the distribution in Cameroon, Bafut which this donation has helped to fundflag Status 165297

Subtotal  £ 684.00
Gift Aid  £ 84.00
Total raised  £ 768.00