Funds raised US$722,999,541
Nets funded 326,881,269
People protected 588,386,284

Philosophers Against Malaria 2023

Ethics may be complicated, but saving lives is not!

Malaria claims around half a million lives each year. 96% of deaths occur in Africa, and four out of five victims are children under five. Four hundred thousand children die, despite malaria deaths being preventable. Sleeping under an insecticide-treated net is one the most effective ways to prevent malaria. Even though more people at risk of malaria have access to this prevention tool than ever before, big gaps in coverage remain, especially in Africa. (Source: WHO)

The Against Malaria Foundation has been rated as one of the most effective charities in the world by independent charity evaluators year after year since 2008. A net costs around $2. Every dollar spent on a Malaria net is estimated to increase the GDP of the receiving country by around $6.25. Malaria nets have saved hundreds of thousands of lives and prevented hundreds of millions of malaria cases since 2000. (Source: GiveWell). Let's get together and prevent unnecessary suffering.

Donations are tax-deductible. The fundraiser will run until December 24.


Quick link to this page: https://www.AgainstMalaria.com/philosophers2023
Please select a page from the list below in order to donate online
 PagesLocationTotal USD# Nets raised 
University of Michigan 2023 Ann Arbor US$ 8,520.00 3,769 Donate
Virginia Tech Blacksburg US$ 7,370.00 2,966 Donate
University of Colorado, Boulder Colorado US$ 3,570.00 1,375 Donate
George Mason University Fairfax, Virginia US$ 2,040.00 822 Donate
Oxford University Oxford US$ 1,884.14 790 Donate
Princeton University Philosophy Princeton US$ 910.00 371 Donate
Georgetown University Washington US$ 700.00 296 Donate
LSE Philosophy London US$ 608.45 282 Donate
Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy, LMU München US$ 267.49 109 Donate
University of Texas at Austin PAM Austin US$ 220.00 93 Donate
Unaffiliated/Indepent Everywhere! US$ 200.00 108 Donate
New York University New York US$ 128.51 54 Donate
Purdue University West Lafayette, Indiana US$ 100.00 40 Donate
Rutgers USA US$ 100.00 42 Donate
Syracuse University Philosophy 2023 Syracuse US$ 100.00 40 Donate
University of Notre Dame Notre Dame US$ 100.00 40 Donate
Australian National University Cranberra US$ 97.64 39 Donate
Harvard Cambridge US$ 60.00 21 Donate
California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo US$ 50.00 21 Donate
Duke Durham US$ 50.00 21 Donate
King's College London US$ 50.00 21 Donate
University of Alabama Birmingham US$ 50.00 27 Donate
University of Cincinnati Cincinnati US$ 50.00 27 Donate
Vanderbilt University Nashville US$ 50.00 21 Donate
Universität Mannheim 2023 Mannheim US$ 35.00 14 Donate
Gesellschaft für Utilitarismusstudien 2023 DE US$ 30.00 12 Donate
Universität Tübingen 2023 Tübingen US$ 20.89 8 Donate
Cambridge Cambridge US$ 0.00 0 Donate
GSU Phil Atlanta US$ 0.00 0 Donate
Macalester Saint Paul US$ 0.00 0 Donate
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge US$ 0.00 0 Donate
National University of Singapore Singapore US$ 0.00 0 Donate
Pittsburgh Pittsburgh US$ 0.00 0 Donate
St. Andrews St. Andrews US$ 0.00 0 Donate
Stanford University Stanford US$ 0.00 0 Donate
Universities of California California US$ 0.00 0 Donate
University of Miami Miami US$ 0.00 0 Donate
University of Richmond Richmond US$ 0.00 0 Donate
University of Toronto Toronto US$ 0.00 0 Donate
University of Warwick Warwick US$ 0.00 0 Donate
William and Mary 2023 Williamsburg US$ 0.00 0 Donate
Yale New Haven US$ 0.00 0 Donate
Total Σ US$ 27,362.1111,429
Total raised   11,438