A short update on activities going on in-country this month.
In DRC, preparations are being made for the distribution of 1.5 million nets in Équateur province, which is due to begin mid-October. Nets have arrived in province and are being sent to the health zones in the correct quantities according to registration data. Nets are also arriving in Sud Ubangi province, where the registration of 600,000 households will begin in the coming weeks using electronic devices. Half the nets purchased were PBO nets, and half standard nets, and the effectiveness of these nets will be monitored. In Haut Katanga, registration of 1.4 million households will take place in October using paper forms. The printing of these forms is complete and we are engaging with our data entry partner, AGAPE, to put in place a data entry centre in Kinshasa. 8.4 million nets have been produced for the provinces of Tanganyika, Haut Katanga and Haut Lomami and are being shipped to the port of Dar Es Salam in Tanzania, and from there to Eastern DRC.
In Zambia, our partner CHAZ has just finished post-distribution monitoring in Western province, completing the first round of PDMs in all four provinces receiving AMF-funded nets. Across these provinces, the sleeping space coverage is 65%, with a hang up rate of 81%. This is low and we are investigating with our partners in country. One explanation is that AMF nets are generally being used, but too few were given out during distribution to cover all sleeping spaces. 3.0 million nets were distributed in 2018.
In Ghana, our partner World Vision has completed data collection for the 9-month PDM in Upper East region using electronic devices. Photos below. The results of the PDM in Brong Ahafo region have been imported into AMF's database and show a sleeping space coverage of 84% at 9 months post distribution.
In Malawi, our partner the Malawi Red Cross Society has collected PDM data in 6 districts in Southern region, which show an average sleeping space coverage of 73% at 9 months post distribution. Data is currently being collected in Central region.
In Guinea, we are currently investigating a possible theft of AMF nets and are working closely with all partners to 1) establish if the nets recovered in Mali are AMF-funded nets, and 2) conduct, as necessary, a thorough audit of the movement of all nets in country.
In Uganda, lists of specific households in specific villages, randomly selected by AMF, that will visited during PDM activity have been shared with our partner organisation Malaria Consortium for the 30-month PDM taking place in the Eastern region. Results from the 24-month PDM in selected districts in the Western region show a sleeping space coverage of 83%.
In PNG, our partner RAM continues to distribute nets on a rolling basis. So far in 2019, more than 395,000 nets have been successfully distributed in the provinces of Southern Highlands, Hela, Oro and Central. Distribution is ongoing in the New Ireland and North Solomons (ARoB) provinces. In total, about 1.0 million nets will be distributed during 2019. PDM activity has just been completed in Milne Bay, two years after the distribution, and data is being entered for review.
In Togo, preparations are taking place for the 24-month PDM which will take place in all four regions (Savanes, Kara, Centrale and Plateaux) that received 2.4 million nets in 2017. Data will be collected using electronic devices.