Women in Napuruka with nets
Nets are distributed to families…
Dr. Anoop examines a baby in Nap…
Girls in Napuruka received bedne…
Hiking out of Napruka to get to …
Volunteers hiked in to Sachapapa…
An Awajum woman leader welcomed …
The people of Sachapapa provided…
Nets were distributed in Sachapa…
This house in Sachapapa has litt…
This entire family in Sacapapa w…
A hut in Sacapapa with nets hung…
Kids in Sachapapa sit in front o…
Bednets awaiting distribution in…
How to hang a bednet 101 in Pale…
A youngster holding a life savin…
Araceli in Belen Village came to…
An Awajun woman in Belen came to…
Receiving new bednets is cause f…
This family in Belen, Peru is on…
Families eagerly await the distr…
A large group of kids sit with t…
Familes eagerly await bednet dis…
A young girl and her mother and …
A pregnant mother receives a qui…
Examining a baby in Atahualpa, Peru
Patient Registration and Net Dis…
Dr. Bob Hyzy in clinic in Ajachi…
Say "AAAAH!" in Ajachim Amazon P…
Awajun women of Ajachim come out…
Nets are hung in a sleeping area…
Families wait in line in the rai…
Bednet education in Nuevo Alegria.
Even inadequate rain shelter doe…
Cheryle works in the makeshift p…
Instructions and information are…
The villagers in Santa Rosa are …
Distributing bednets to a a preg…
Two young boys "read" the direct…
After setting up her bednet in S…
Homes of some receipients of bed…
People in Pihuayal are taught ab…
Net distrbution in Pihuayal give…
The mixture of old and new shows…
An Awajun man in Sinchi Roca giv…
The chief and a local government…
Demonstrating the proper set up …
Woman and child receive a bednet…
Children in Sinchi Roca celebrat…
A mother gives her baby the firs…
Net placed in hut that has no wa…
The distributors of the bednets …
A young boy is tickled to receiv…
Volunteers arroved in Chapis in …
Education about malaria and how …
A little girl in Chapis takes he…
The village of Chapis
Dangerous waters don't stop volu…
Loading nets (in the large white…
Peruvian Air Force pilots help i…
Patty being presented with an of…
Some remote villages can be acce…
This Lancha boat brought the sup…
Local Peruvian people are taught…
Buses, boats, helicopters, truck…
Trucks carry the nets too in Peru!
Workers take to the river for tr…
The Awajun of Napruruka who will…
Napuruka was accessed by helicop…
Landing by helicopter in Napuruk…
Fewer people will need to have "…
Welcome ceremony in Napuruka at …
Volunteers make plans after wond…
Sloshing through the ankle deep …
Sister and brother with their ne…
Nets and supplies are loaded int…
Accepting a net for her family i…
Peruvians in Sachapapa are grate…
When the walls offer no resistan…
Net distribution is done in an o…
Modern and traditional men in Si…
The chief of the village of Kuji…
Dr. Molly of Amazon Promise with…
Teaching the people of Santa Ros…
Net distribution in Santa Rosa.
Another beautiful child to be sa…
A volunteer drinks masato in Bel…
Atahu is so remote that GPS coor…
Night clinic by headlamp in Napu…
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