Funds raised US$724,145,340
Nets funded 327,454,168
People protected 589,417,502

Distributed by PSI

Population Services International (PSI) is a not-for-profit organization which has been delivering products and services to improve health and save lives in the fields of malaria and other public health priority areas since the 1970's. Today, PSI is supporting Ministries of Health in 70 countries across the world.


What is a Long-Lasting Insecticidal Net (LLIN)?

An LLIN is a mosquito net impregnated with insecticide.

The insecticide is cleverly bound within the fibres that make up the netting and is 'slow released' over a 4-5 year period. Hence 'long lasting'.


Kavango, Namibia  

Nets: 3,100 LLINs
When: Sep-Oct 06
Distributed by  PSI    PSI

775 nets will be distributed in each of the following four villages: Rundjarara, Sinyungwe, Kahenge and Ngone. These are high risk malaria areas characterised by high average temperatures, high rainfall, high humidity and perennial rivers. These conditions are conducive for mosquito breeding and parasite development.




A distribution sometimes takes place in a number of locations. Each location may have its own pictures and video.

Survey status

Surveys take place 6, 18, 30 and 42 months post-distribution. A survey of 50 households provides sample information on what proportion of nets continue to be used, if they are used correctly and the state of the nets.

  • Expected
  • Not expected
  • Very good/good
  • Acceptable
  • Not OK
  • Partner Refused
# LLINs LocationWhenStatus  Surveys
3,100   Kavango Sep-Oct 06 Status Photos
Not expected
Not expected
Not expected
Not expected

Distribution status

The bednet distribution programmes go through a number of different states from being manufactured to being installed over a head/bed:
  • Being manufactured
  • Ready at factory
  • En-route to country
  • Arrived in country
  • En-route to zone
  • Being distributed
  • Distribution complete

Survey status and net condition

Surveys take place 6, 18, 30 and 42 months post-distribution. A survey of 50 households provides sample information on what proportion of nets continue to be used, if they are used correctly and the state of the nets.

   Survey status
  • Expected
  • Not expected
  • Partner Refused
   Net condition
  • Very good/good
  • Acceptable
  • Not OK

Kavango, Namibia


Status Distribution complete Distribution complete

The distribution was completed successfully as planned.

Photoset editor: Rob M